

Returns a table of features that are supported by the current headset runtime.

features = lovr.headset.getFeatures()




.overlayboolean Whether LÖVR is able to run as an overlay on top of other VR applications. When unsupported, the t.headset.overlay option in lovr.conf will be ignored. Currently this will also be false if t.headset.overlay is false.
.proximityboolean Whether the headset provides access to its proximity sensor. When unsupported, lovr.headset.isMounted will always return true and lovr.mount will never be called.
.passthroughboolean Whether the headset supports one of the non-opaque passthrough modes. When unsupported, lovr.headset.getPassthroughModes will only return 'opaque'.
.refreshRateboolean Whether the headset display supports querying and changing the refresh rate. When unsupported, lovr.headset.getRefreshRate will always return nil and lovr.headset.setRefreshRate will always return false.
.depthSubmissionboolean Whether t.headset.submitdepth in lovr.conf is active and supported.
.eyeTrackingboolean Whether the headset supports eye gaze tracking. When unsupported, the eye/* devices will always be untracked.
.handTrackingboolean Whether hand tracking is supported. When false, lovr.headset.getSkeleton will always return nil.
.handTrackingElbowboolean Whether the hand tracker is able to return data for the elbow/* devices.
.keyboardTrackingboolean Whether the system supports tracked keyboards for the keyboard device.
.viveTrackersboolean Whether the system supports Vive trackers.
.handModelboolean Whether lovr.headset.newModel is able to load models for the user's hands.
.controllerModelboolean Whether lovr.headset.newModel supports loading controller models.
.controllerSkeletonboolean Whether the t.headset.controllerskeleton option in lovr.conf is supported and whether the controller key in the lovr.headset.getSkeleton table is supported. When this is false, it is not possible to determine whether hand tracking data is coming from the user's actual hands or if it's estimated from controller button inputs.
.cubeBackgroundboolean Whether lovr.headset.setBackground supports cubemap textures.
.equirectBackgroundboolean Whether lovr.headset.setBackground supports equirectangular textures.
.layerColorboolean Whether Layer:setColor is supported.
.layerCurveboolean Whether Layer:setCurve is supported.
.layerDepthTestboolean Whether Layers are able to depth sort with the rest of the 3D scene, and with each other. When unsupported, layers will always render on top of the 3D scene and any layers that come before them in the layer list.
.layerFilterboolean Whether the filter option is supported for Layers.

See also