-- "Second screen experience" demo
-- Click grid on desktop screen to build a scene simultaneously visible in VR space
-- NOTE: does not currently work properly with the simluator driver, since lovr.mirror clears the window
-- Sample contributed by andi mcc
local shader = require 'shader'
local mirror = lovr.mirror -- Backup lovr.mirror before it is overwritten
local font = lovr.graphics.newFont(24) -- Font appropriate for screen-space usage
-- Simple 2D triangle mesh
local triangle = lovr.graphics.newBuffer(
{{'VertexPosition', 'vec3'}},
{{0,-1,0}, {0.75,1,0}, {-0.75,1,0}})
-- Constants
local pixwidth = lovr.system.getWindowWidth() -- Window pixel width and height
local pixheight = lovr.system.getWindowHeight()
local aspect = pixwidth/pixheight -- Window aspect ratio
local height = 2 -- Window width and height in screen coordinates
local width = aspect*2 -- ( We will pick the coordinate system [[-1,1],[-aspect,aspect]] )
local topmargin = 0.2 -- Space between top of screen and top of grid
local cells = 7 -- Number of cells in grid (per side)
local towerscalexz = 2 -- How wide is one block in 3D space?
local towerscaley = 3 -- How tall (maximum) is one block in 3D space?
-- Derived constants
local gridheight = (height-topmargin*2) -- Height of grid
local gridspan = gridheight/2 -- Half height of grid
local cellheight = gridheight/cells -- Height of one grid cell
local cellspan = cellheight/2 -- Half height of one grid cell
local bannedcell = math.ceil(cells/2) -- Do not allow clicks at this x,y coordinate
local fontscale = height/pixheight -- Scale argument to screen-space print() functions
-- Screen-space coordinate system
local matrix = lovr.math.newMat4():orthographic(-aspect, aspect, -1, 1, -64, 64)
-- State: We will store the blocks to draw as a 2D array of heights (nil for no block)
local grid = {}
for x=1,cells do grid[x] = {} end
function lovr.mousepressed(x, y, b)
local inx = x * width / pixwidth - width/2 -- Convert pixel x,y to our coordinate system
local iny = y * height / pixheight - height/2
local gridorigin = -gridspan - cellheight -- Upper left of grid ()
local gx = (inx - gridorigin) / cellheight -- Convert coordinate system to grid cells
local gy = (iny - gridorigin) / cellheight
local fx = math.floor(gx)
local fy = math.floor(gy)
if fx >= 1 and fy >= 1 and fx <= cells and fy <= cells -- If the click was within the grid
and not (fx == bannedcell and fy == bannedcell) then -- and was not the banned center cell
if grid[fx][fy] then
grid[fx][fy] = nil -- toggle off
grid[fx][fy] = lovr.math.random() -- toggle on (random height)
local function drawGrid(pass)
-- Draw cell backgrounds (where present)
for _x=1,cells do for _y=1,cells do
local gray = grid[_x][_y]
if gray then
local x = -gridspan + _x * cellheight - cellspan -- Center of cell
local y = -gridspan + _y * cellheight - cellspan
pass:plane(x, y, 0, cellheight, cellheight)
end end
-- Draw grid lines
for c=0,cells do
local x = -gridspan + c * cellheight
local y = -gridspan + c * cellheight
pass:line(-gridspan, y, 0, gridspan, y, 0)
pass:line(x, -gridspan, 0, x, gridspan, 0)
-- Draw a red triangle indicating the position and orientation of the headset player
local x, y, z, angle, ax, ay, az = lovr.headset.getPose()
-- Flatten the 3-space current rotation of the headset into just its xz axis
-- Equation from: http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToEuler/index.htm
local s = math.sin(angle)
local c = math.cos(angle)
local t = 1-c;
local xzangle = math.atan2(ay*s - ax*az*t , 1 - (ay*ay + az*az) * t);
pass:translate(x / towerscalexz, z / towerscalexz, 0)
pass:rotate(-xzangle, 0, 0, 1)
-- Draw HUD overlay
local function mirror(pass)
pass:setViewPose(1, mat4())
pass:setProjection(1, matrix) -- Switch to screen space coordinates
pass:setDepthTest() -- Depth buffer will be full of garbage after drawing scene
-- Draw instructions
pass:text("Instructions: Click the grid to create or remove blocks.", 0, (gridheight+cellheight)/2, 0, fontscale)
-- Draw one block
local function floorbox(pass,_x,_y,gray)
local x = -gridspan + _x * cellheight - cellspan
local z = -gridspan + _y * cellheight - cellspan
local height = gray * towerscaley
pass:box(x*towerscalexz, height/2, z*towerscalexz, cellheight*towerscalexz, height, cellheight*towerscalexz)
-- Draw 3D scene
local function draw(pass)
for x=1,cells do for y=1,cells do
local gray = grid[x][y]
if gray then floorbox(pass,x,y,gray) end
end end
-- Handle LOVR
function lovr.draw(pass)
draw(pass) -- Headset contents
local originalMirror = lovr.mirror -- By default, LOVR will have given us a mirror that displays the headset
function lovr.mirror(pass)
originalMirror(pass) -- Headset texture (note: this will fill the depth buffer with z=0)
mirror(pass) -- Mirror contents