--[[ Hand interaction with physics world: use trigger to solidify hand, grip to grab objects
To manipulate objects in world, we create box collider (palm) for each hand controller. This box
is updated to track location of controller.
The naive approach would be to set exact location and orientation of physical collider with values
from hand controller. This results in lousy and unconvincing collisions with other objects, as
physics engine doesn't know the speed of hand colliders at the moment of collision.
An improvement is to set linear and angular speed of kinematic hand colliders so that they
approach the target (actual location/orientation of hand controller). This works well for one
hand, however physics will start to glitch when you try to squeeze an object between two hands.
This is because kinematic hand controllers can never be affected by collision forces, so the
squeezed collider cannot push back against them and the collision cannot be resolved.
The approach taken here is to have hand controllers behave as normal dynamic colliders that can be
affected by other collisions. To track hand controllers, we apply force and torque on collider
objects that's proportional to distance from correct position.
This means hand colliders won't have 1:1 mapping with actual hand controllers, they will actually
'bend' under large force. Also the colliders can become stuck and buried beneath other objects.
This is frustrating to users, so in this example hand colliders can ghost through objects or
become solid, using the trigger button.
Grabbing objects is done by creating two joints between hand collider and object, to hold them
together. This enables pulling, stacking and throwing. --]]
local hands = { -- palms that can push and grab objects
colliders = {nil, nil}, -- physical objects for palms
touching = {nil, nil}, -- the collider currently touched by each hand
holding = {nil, nil}, -- the collider attached to palm
solid = {false, false}, -- hand can either pass through objects or be solid
} -- to be filled with as many hands as there are active controllers
local world
local collisionCallbacks = {}
local boxes = {}
local hand_torque = 20
local hand_force = 30000
function lovr.load()
world = lovr.physics.newWorld(0, -2, 0, false) -- low gravity and no collider sleeping
-- ground plane
local box = world:newBoxCollider(vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(20, 0.1, 20))
table.insert(boxes, box)
-- create a fort of boxes
for angle = 0, 2 * math.pi, 2 * math.pi / 12 do
for height = 0.3, 1.5, 0.4 do
local pose = mat4():rotate(angle, 0,1,0):translate(0, height, -1)
local size = vec3(0.3, 0.4, 0.2)
local box = world:newBoxCollider(vec3(pose), size)
table.insert(boxes, box)
-- make colliders for two hands
for i = 1, 2 do
hands.colliders[i] = world:newBoxCollider(vec3(0,2,0), vec3(0.04, 0.08, 0.08))
function(collider, world)
-- store collider that was last touched by hand
hands.touching[i] = collider
function lovr.update(dt)
-- override collision resolver to notify all colliders that have registered their callbacks
world:update(dt, function(world)
for shapeA, shapeB in world:overlaps() do
local areColliding = world:collide(shapeA, shapeB)
if areColliding then
cbA = collisionCallbacks[shapeA]
if cbA then cbA(shapeB:getCollider(), world) end
cbB = collisionCallbacks[shapeB]
if cbB then cbB(shapeA:getCollider(), world) end
-- hand updates - location, orientation, solidify on trigger button, grab on grip button
for i, hand in pairs(lovr.headset.getHands()) do
-- align collider with controller by applying force (position) and torque (orientation)
local rw = mat4(lovr.headset.getPose(hand)) -- real world pose of controllers
local vr = mat4(hands.colliders[i]:getPose()) -- vr pose of palm colliders
local angle, ax,ay,az = quat(rw):mul(quat(vr):conjugate()):unpack()
angle = ((angle + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi) -- for minimal motion wrap to (-pi, +pi) range
hands.colliders[i]:applyTorque(vec3(ax, ay, az):mul(angle * dt * hand_torque))
hands.colliders[i]:applyForce((vec3(rw) - vec3(vr)):mul(dt * hand_force))
-- solidify when trigger touched
hands.solid[i] = lovr.headset.isDown(hand, 'trigger')
hands.colliders[i]:getShapes()[1]:setSensor(not hands.solid[i])
-- hold/release colliders
if lovr.headset.isDown(hand, 'grip') and hands.touching[i] and not hands.holding[i] then
hands.holding[i] = hands.touching[i]
-- grab object with ball joint to drag it, and slider joint to also match the orientation
lovr.physics.newBallJoint(hands.colliders[i], hands.holding[i], vr:mul(0, 0, 0))
lovr.physics.newSliderJoint(hands.colliders[i], hands.holding[i], quat(vr):direction())
if lovr.headset.wasReleased(hand, 'grip') and hands.holding[i] then
for _,joint in ipairs(hands.colliders[i]:getJoints()) do
hands.holding[i] = nil
hands.touching = {nil, nil} -- to be set again in collision resolver
function lovr.draw(pass)
for i, collider in ipairs(hands.colliders) do
pass:setColor(0.75, 0.56, 0.44)
drawBoxCollider(pass, collider, not hands.solid[i])
for i, collider in ipairs(boxes) do
local shade = 0.2 + 0.6 * lovr.math.random()
pass:setColor(shade, shade, shade)
drawBoxCollider(pass, collider)
function drawBoxCollider(pass, collider, is_sensor)
-- query current pose (location and orientation)
local pose = mat4(collider:getPose())
-- query dimensions of box
local shape = collider:getShapes()[1]
local size = vec3(shape:getDimensions())
-- draw box
pass:box(pose, is_sensor and 'line' or 'fill')
function registerCollisionCallback(collider, callback)
collisionCallbacks = collisionCallbacks or {}
for _, shape in ipairs(collider:getShapes()) do
collisionCallbacks[shape] = callback
-- to be called with arguments callback(otherCollider, world) from update function