
Can I use LÖVR without a VR headset?

Yes, LÖVR will automatically use a fake headset system that you can control with your keyboard/mouse if there isn't any VR hardware detected.

You can also set the t.modules.headset flag to false in lovr.conf to disable VR completely and develop a traditional 3D desktop application. Note that running flatscreen apps on mobile phones is not currently supported.

Keep in mind that LÖVR is primarily designed for creating VR experiences, which have their own design considerations. This means that LÖVR does not prioritize features common in other desktop-focused game engines like advanced control over the desktop window, joystick support, touchscreens, etc.

Is there any way to access keyboard/mouse input?

Yes, lovr.system has functions for keyboard and mouse input, and there are input events like lovr.keypressed, lovr.mousemoved, etc.

How is this project related to LÖVE?

LÖVR is heavily inspired by LÖVE and has a similar Lua API, but the 2 projects don't share any code.

Does LÖVR support AR?

LÖVR should work on any AR headset that supports OpenXR and Vulkan. More details:

See lovr.headset.getPassthrough and lovr.headset.setPassthrough for managing how virtual content blends with the real world.