

Returns limits of the current GPU.

limits = lovr.graphics.getLimits()




.textureSize2Dnumber The maximum width/height of 2d and array textures.
.textureSize3Dnumber The maximum width/height/depth of 3d textures.
.textureSizeCubenumber The maximum width/height of cube textures.
.textureLayersnumber The maximum depth of array textures.
.renderSizetable The maximum width, height, and layer count of a texture (or texture view) used as a render target.
.uniformBuffersPerStagenumber The maximum number of uniform buffers in a shader stage.
.storageBuffersPerStagenumber The maximum number of storage buffers in a shader stage.
.sampledTexturesPerStagenumber The maximum number of sampled textures in a shader stage.
.storageTexturesPerStagenumber The maximum number of storage textures in a shader stage.
.samplersPerStagenumber The maximum number of samplers in a shader stage.
.resourcesPerShadernumber The maximum combined number of buffers, textures, and sampler variables in a Shader.
.uniformBufferRangenumber The maximum range of bytes that can be bound to a uniform buffer in a shader.
.storageBufferRangenumber The maximum range of bytes that can be bound to a storage buffer in a shader.
.uniformBufferAlignnumber When binding a range of bytes to a uniform buffer binding in a shader, the byte offset of the range must be a multiple of this limit's value.
.storageBufferAlignnumber When binding a range of bytes to a storage buffer binding in a shader, the byte offset of the range must be a multiple of this limit's value.
.vertexAttributesnumber The maximum number of input attributes in a vertex shader.
.vertexBufferStridenumber The maximum stride of a buffer used as a vertex buffer, in bytes.
.vertexShaderOutputsnumber The maximum number of components output from a vertex shader.
.clipDistancesnumber The maximum number of clipping planes declared by a shader.
.cullDistancesnumber The maximum number of cull distances declared by a shader.
.clipAndCullDistancesnumber The maximum number of clipping planes and cull distances declared by a shader.
.workgroupCounttable The maximum values of x, y, and z in Pass:compute.
.workgroupSizetable The maximum values of local_size_x, local_size_y, and local_size_z declared in a compute shader.
.totalWorkgroupSizenumber The maximum product of local_size_x, local_size_y, and local_size_z in a compute shader.
.computeSharedMemorynumber The maximum number of bytes used by shared variables in compute shaders.
.indirectDrawCountnumber The maximum number of draws that can be issued by an indirect draw call.
.instancesnumber The maximum number of instances that can be rendered in a draw call.
.anisotropynumber The maximum value of the anisotropy parameter in lovr.graphics.newSampler.
.pointSizenumber The maximum point size.


The limit ranges are as follows:

Limit Minimum Maximum
textureSize2D 4096
textureSize3D 256
textureSizeCube 4096
textureLayers 256
renderSize { 4096, 4096, 6 }
uniformBuffersPerStage 9 32*
storageBuffersPerStage 4 32*
sampledTexturesPerStage 32 32*
storageTexturesPerStage 4 32*
samplersPerStage 15 32*
resourcesPerShader 32 32*
uniformBufferRange 65536
storageBufferRange 134217728 (128MB) 1073741824 (1GB)*
uniformBufferAlign 256
storageBufferAlign 64
vertexAttributes 16 16*
vertexBufferStride 2048 65535*
vertexShaderOutputs 64
clipDistances 0
cullDistances 0
clipAndCullDistances 0
computeDispatchCount { 65536, 65536, 65536 }
computeWorkgroupSize { 128, 128, 64 }
computeWorkgroupVolume 128
computeSharedMemory 16384 (16KB)
pushConstantSize 128 256*
indirectDrawCount 1
instances 134217727
anisotropy 0.0
pointSize 1.0

Note: in the table above, * means that LÖVR itself is imposing a cap on the limit, instead of the GPU.

See also