

Different data layouts for pixels in Image and Texture objects.

Formats starting with d are depth formats, used for depth/stencil render targets.

Formats starting with bc and astc are compressed formats. Compressed formats have better performance since they stay compressed on the CPU and GPU, reducing the amount of memory bandwidth required to look up all the pixels needed for shading.

Formats without the f suffix are unsigned normalized formats, which store values in the range [0,1]. The f suffix indicates a floating point format which can store values outside this range, and is used for HDR rendering or storing data in a texture.

r8 One 8-bit channel. 1 byte per pixel.
rg8 Two 8-bit channels. 2 bytes per pixel.
rgba8 Four 8-bit channels. 4 bytes per pixel.
r16 One 16-bit channel. 2 bytes per pixel.
rg16 Two 16-bit channels. 4 bytes per pixel.
rgba16 Four 16-bit channels. 8 bytes per pixel.
r16f One 16-bit floating point channel. 2 bytes per pixel.
rg16f Two 16-bit floating point channels. 4 bytes per pixel.
rgba16f Four 16-bit floating point channels. 8 bytes per pixel.
r32f One 32-bit floating point channel. 4 bytes per pixel.
rg32f Two 32-bit floating point channels. 8 bytes per pixel.
rgba32f Four 32-bit floating point channels. 16 bytes per pixel.
rgb565 Packs three channels into 16 bits. 2 bytes per pixel.
rgb5a1 Packs four channels into 16 bits, with "cutout" alpha. 2 bytes per pixel.
rgb10a2 Packs four channels into 32 bits. 4 bytes per pixel.
rg11b10f Packs three unsigned floating point channels into 32 bits. 4 bytes per pixel.
d16 One 16-bit depth channel. 2 bytes per pixel.
d24 One 24-bit depth channel. 4 bytes per pixel.
d24s8 One 24-bit depth channel and one 8-bit stencil channel. 4 bytes per pixel.
d32f One 32-bit floating point depth channel. 4 bytes per pixel.
d32fs8 One 32-bit floating point depth channel and one 8-bit stencil channel. 5 bytes per pixel.
bc1 3 channels. 8 bytes per 4x4 block, or 0.5 bytes per pixel. Good for opaque images.
bc2 Four channels. 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. Not good for anything, because it only has 16 distinct levels of alpha.
bc3 Four channels. 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. Good for color images with transparency.
bc4u One unsigned normalized channel. 8 bytes per 4x4 block or 0.5 bytes per pixel. Good for grayscale images, like heightmaps.
bc4s One signed normalized channel. 8 bytes per 4x4 block or 0.5 bytes per pixel. Similar to bc4u but has a range of -1 to 1.
bc5u Two unsigned normalized channels. 16 bytes per 4x4 block, or 1 byte per pixel. Good for normal maps.
bc5s Two signed normalized channels. 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. Good for normal maps.
bc6uf Three unsigned floating point channels. 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. Good for HDR images.
bc6sf Three floating point channels. 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. Good for HDR images.
bc7 Four channels. 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. High quality. Good for most color images, including transparency.
astc4x4 Four channels, 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel.
astc5x4 Four channels, 16 bytes per 5x4 block or 0.80 bytes per pixel.
astc5x5 Four channels, 16 bytes per 5x5 block or 0.64 bytes per pixel.
astc6x5 Four channels, 16 bytes per 6x5 block or 0.53 bytes per pixel.
astc6x6 Four channels, 16 bytes per 6x6 block or 0.44 bytes per pixel.
astc8x5 Four channels, 16 bytes per 8x5 block or 0.40 bytes per pixel.
astc8x6 Four channels, 16 bytes per 8x6 block or 0.33 bytes per pixel.
astc8x8 Four channels, 16 bytes per 8x8 block or 0.25 bytes per pixel.
astc10x5 Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x5 block or 0.32 bytes per pixel.
astc10x6 Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x6 block or 0.27 bytes per pixel.
astc10x8 Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x8 block or 0.20 bytes per pixel.
astc10x10 Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x10 block or 0.16 bytes per pixel.
astc12x10 Four channels, 16 bytes per 12x10 block or 0.13 bytes per pixel.
astc12x12 Four channels, 16 bytes per 12x12 block or 0.11 bytes per pixel.

See also