

A Curve is an object that represents a Bézier curve in three dimensions. Curves are defined by an arbitrary number of control points (note that the curve only passes through the first and last control point).

Once a Curve is created with lovr.math.newCurve, you can use Curve:evaluate to get a point on the curve or Curve:render to get a list of all of the points on the curve. These points can be passed directly to Pass:points or Pass:line to render the curve.

Note that for longer or more complicated curves (like in a drawing application) it can be easier to store the path as several Curve objects.


lovr.math.newCurveCreate a new Curve.
Curve:sliceGet a new Curve from a slice of an existing one.


Curve:addPointAdd a new control point to the Curve.
Curve:evaluateTurn a number from 0 to 1 into a point on the Curve.
Curve:getPointGet a control point of the Curve.
Curve:getPointCountGet the number of control points in the Curve.
Curve:getTangentGet the direction of the Curve at a point.
Curve:removePointRemove a control point from the Curve.
Curve:renderGet a list of points on the Curve.
Curve:setPointSet a control point of the Curve.
Curve:sliceGet a new Curve from a slice of an existing one.

See also