EditColliders represent a single rigid body in the physics simulation.
World:newCollider | Add a Collider to the World. |
World:newBoxCollider | Add a Collider with a BoxShape to the World. |
World:newSphereCollider | Add a Collider with a SphereShape to the World. |
World:newCapsuleCollider | Add a Collider with a CapsuleShape to the World. |
World:newCylinderCollider | Add a Collider with a CylinderShape to the World. |
World:newConvexCollider | Add a Collider with a ConvexShape to the World. |
World:newMeshCollider | Add a Collider with a MeshShape to the World. |
World:newTerrainCollider | Add a Collider with a TerrainShape to the World. |
Collider:getPosition | Get the position of the Collider. |
Collider:setPosition | Set the position of the Collider. |
Collider:getOrientation | Get the orientation of the Collider. |
Collider:setOrientation | Set the orientation of the Collider. |
Collider:getPose | Get the pose of the Collider. |
Collider:setPose | Set the pose of the Collider. |
Collider:getLocalPoint | Transform a point from world space to collider space. |
Collider:getWorldPoint | Transform a point from local space to world space. |
Collider:getLocalVector | Transform a vector from world space to local space. |
Collider:getWorldVector | Transform a vector from local space to world space. |
Collider:getAABB | Get the Collider's axis aligned bounding box. |
Collider:getLinearVelocity | Get the linear velocity of the Collider. |
Collider:setLinearVelocity | Set the linear velocity of the Collider. |
Collider:getAngularVelocity | Get the angular velocity of the Collider. |
Collider:setAngularVelocity | Set the angular velocity of the Collider. |
Collider:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint | Get the linear velocity of a point on the Collider. |
Collider:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint | Get the linear velocity of the Collider at a world space point. |
Collider:moveKinematic | TODO |
Collider:applyForce | Apply a force to the Collider. |
Collider:applyTorque | Apply torque to the Collider. |
Collider:applyLinearImpulse | Apply a linear impulse to the Collider. |
Collider:applyAngularImpulse | Apply an angular impulse to the Collider. |
Collider:getLinearDamping | Get the linear damping of the Collider. |
Collider:setLinearDamping | Set the linear damping of the Collider. |
Collider:getAngularDamping | Get the angular damping of the Collider. |
Collider:setAngularDamping | Set the angular damping of the Collider. |
Collider:isKinematic | Check if the Collider is kinematic. |
Collider:setKinematic | Set whether the Collider is kinematic. |
Collider:isContinuous | Check if the Collider is using continuous collision detection. |
Collider:setContinuous | Set whether the Collider uses continuous collision detection. |
Collider:getDegreesOfFreedom | Get the enabled translation/rotation axes. |
Collider:setDegreesOfFreedom | Set the enabled translation/rotation axes. |
Collider:getGravityScale | Get the gravity scale of the Collider. |
Collider:setGravityScale | Set the gravity scale of the Collider. |
Collider:isSleepingAllowed | Check if the Collider is allowed to sleep. |
Collider:setSleepingAllowed | Set whether the Collider is allowed to sleep. |
Collider:isAwake | Check if the Collider is awake. |
Collider:setAwake | Put the Collider to sleep or wake it up. |
Collider:getTag | Get the Collider's tag. |
Collider:setTag | Set the Collider's tag. |
Collider:getShape | Get the first Shape attached to the Collider. |
Collider:getShapes | Get a list of Shapes attached to the Collider. |
Collider:addShape | Add a Shape to the Collider. |
Collider:removeShape | Remove a Shape from the Collider. |
Collider:isSensor | Check if the Collider is a sensor. |
Collider:setSensor | Set whether the Collider should be a sensor. |
Collider:getFriction | Get the friction of the Collider. |
Collider:setFriction | Set the friction of the Collider. |
Collider:getRestitution | Get the bounciness of the Collider. |
Collider:setRestitution | Set the bounciness of the Collider. |
Collider:getMass | Get the mass of the Collider. |
Collider:setMass | Set the mass of the Collider. |
Collider:getInertia | Get the inertia of the Collider. |
Collider:setInertia | Set the inertia of the Collider. |
Collider:getCenterOfMass | Get the Collider's local center of mass. |
Collider:setCenterOfMass | Set the Collider's center of mass. |
Collider:getAutomaticMass | Get whether automatic mass is enabled. |
Collider:setAutomaticMass | Enable or disable automatic mass. |
Collider:resetMassData | Reset mass properties. |
Collider:getUserData | Get the Lua value associated with the Collider. |
Collider:setUserData | Associate a Lua value with the Collider. |
Collider:isEnabled | Check if the Collider is enabled. |
Collider:setEnabled | Enable or disable the Collider. |
Collider:getWorld | Get the World the Collider is in. |
Collider:getJoints | Get a list of Joints attached to the Collider. |
Collider:destroy | Destroy the Collider. |
Collider:isDestroyed | Check if the Collider has been destroyed. |