Grid (Smooth)

-- Grid shader from
-- Compared to the simpler Grid example, this example:
-- * Supports custom line widths
-- * Has world-space lines instead of lines that are always the same thickness
-- * Has better antialiasing, especially at the horizon

function lovr.load()
  shader =[[
    out vec2 scale;

    vec4 lovrmain() {
      scale = vec2(length(Transform[0]), length(Transform[1]));
      return DefaultPosition;
  ]], [[
    uniform float lineWidth;
    uniform vec3 background;
    uniform vec3 foreground;

    in vec2 scale;

    vec4 lovrmain() {
      vec2 uv = (UV - 1.) * scale;
      vec4 uvDDXY = vec4(dFdx(uv), dFdy(uv));
      vec2 uvDeriv = vec2(length(uvDDXY.xz), length(uvDDXY.yw));
      vec2 drawWidth = clamp(vec2(lineWidth), uvDeriv, vec2(.5));
      vec2 lineAA = uvDeriv * 1.5;
      vec2 gridUV = 1.0 - abs(fract(uv) * 2. - 1.);
      vec2 grid2 = smoothstep(lineWidth + lineAA, lineWidth - lineAA, gridUV);
      grid2 *= clamp(lineWidth / drawWidth, 0., 1.);
      grid2 = mix(grid2, vec2(lineWidth), clamp(uvDeriv * 2. - 1., 0., 1.));
      float grid = mix(grid2.x, 1., grid2.y);
      vec3 rgb = mix(gammaToLinear(background), gammaToLinear(foreground), grid);
      return vec4(rgb, 1.);

function lovr.draw(pass)
  pass:send('lineWidth', .005)
  pass:send('background', { .05, .05, .05 })
  pass:send('foreground', { .5, .5, .5 })
  pass:plane(0, 0, 0, 200, 200, -math.pi / 2, 1, 0, 0)